I came across the following on Steve Camp’s post in response to Sinclair Ferguson’s message at the DG Conference on James 3 and the tongue.
Here is Sinclair's resolutions on the taming of the tongue taken from the book of James. They are powerful, convicting, humbling and encouraging. May they stir your heart as they have mine this very hour.
James 1:5 To ask God for wisdom to speak and with a single mind
James 1:9-10 To boast only in exaltation in Christ, & humiliation in world
James 1:13 To set a watch over my mouth
James 1:19 To be constantly quick to hear, slow to speak
James 2:1-4 To learn the gospel way of speaking to poor and the rich
James 2:12 To speak always in the consciousness of the final judgment
James 2:16 To never stand on anyone’s face with my words
James 3:14 To never claim as reality something I do not experience
James 4:1 To resist quarrelsome words in order to mortify a quarrelsome heart
James 4:11 To never speak evil of another
James 4:13 To never boast in what I will accomplish
James 4:15 To always speak as one subject to the providences of God
James 5:9 To never grumble, knowing that the Judge is at the door
James 5:12 To never allow anything but total integrity in my speech
James 5:13 To speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer
James 5:14 To sing praises to God whenever I am cheerful
James 5:14 To ask for the prayers of others when I am sick
James 5:15 To confess it freely whenever I have failed
James 5:15 To pray with and for one another when I am together with others
James 5:19 To speak words of restoration when I see another wander
I have seen God work and have heard from others how He is working in our fellowship in many of these areas. It is humbling and a pleasure to be a part of such a people of God striving to live out what God lays out in His Word. Within the past year, Madison Street Baptist has experienced a growth spurt in His truth and in living out His truth. The tongue can be so destructive. We all have seen and experienced the conflagration resulting from rebelling against His Word. Words! So much potential for edification or for destruction. Words! Words of prayer; Words of confession; Words of restoration; Words of boasting in the Lord; Words of praise; and avoiding Words that create divisiveness and hurt. We must speak Words that ultimately bring glory to our Savior!
I encourage each of us to challenge ourselves to hold fast to these truths. I encourage each of us to watch our words with one another. I encourage each of us to look around our fellowship and appreciate when fellow brothers and sisters live out these truths, and be patient when we don't. Jesus told us that He will hold us accountable for every word uttered here in this life when we face Him at His judgment seat. Madison Street Baptist - I LOVE YOU, and THANK OUR LORD and SAVIOR for YOU. May the LORD our God shine His face upon you, and give you peace. Amen.